Monday, November 5, 2012

US Presidential Elections: Obama's exalted Saturn vs. Romney's debilitated Venus

On Election Eve, both candidates are currently pitching their best in battleground states; Governor Romney is busy traveling through FL, OH, NH, and VA whereas President Obama is making his last minute stops at IA, OH, and WI.  Although both candidates (President Obama and Governor Romney) are tied in a neck to neck battle, it comes down to one night (Wednesday, November 6, 2012) that will decide their fate.

So, today on Election Eve, I would like to give my perspective purely based on vedic astrology as to which candidate (President Obama or Governor Romney) is more like to win 2012 US Presidential Election. Although,  predicting elections based on astrology is a very complicated, there are still some techniques that can be used to predict the election outcomes.

Lets look at President Barack Obama's chart first:

President Obama's Ascendant (Lagna) is Capricorn with Lagna Lord (vargottam Saturn) currently exalted in Libra and will remain exalted till Oct 2014. His 10th lord of profession (10L), Venus is currently debilitated in Virgo and continue to do so till Nov 17, 2012. He is currently under the benefic Vimosattari dasa of Lagna Lord Saturn (Saturn-Saturn-Saturn). Lords of all periods: main period (Mahadasha), sub-period (Antardasha), and sub-sub-period (Pratyantar dasha) is Saturn, which is currently exalted. Looking at his divisional chart for profession (D-10), again 9L and 10L, Saturn is currently exalted in 6th house of services for masses. It is said that period of Lagna Lord brings what the Lagna (native) craves... so looks like chart and dasha wise President Obama should get what he wants.

Furthermore, his 5L and 10L, Venus though currently debilitated, is still receiving aspect from the retrograding Jupiter in Taurus, which will give a positive boost to both Venus as well as his 5H and 9H. His 4L and 11L for sudden gains, Mars is currently transiting through own house of Scorpio. All in all, stars insinuate strong times for President Obama.

Now let's have a look at Mitt Romney's chart

Governor Romney's Ascendant (Lagna) is Taurus with Lagna Lord, Venus placed in 9H of fate and fortune. However, in transit Venus is debilitated in Virgo and will remain debilitated till Nov 17, 2012. His 10th lord of profession (10L), Saturn is exalted and will remain exalted till Oct 2014. He is currently under the Vimosattari dasa of Sun (Saturn-Mercury-Rahu). In transit, Sun is debilitated in Libra and is afflicted by extremely powerful Saturn. Furthermore, on Nov 6, 2012, lord of the sub-period, Mercury will turn retrograde and conjunct with Rahu. Rahu is currently transiting through inimical sign of Scorpio and receiving a neechbhanga from Mars (transiting Scorpio). Both Rahu and Mercury are uncomfortable in Scorpio and the native will feel the blunt. Not to forget, his Lagna Lord Venus in transit is debilitated in Virgo, whose lord is also Mercury. Thus, in transit dispositor of Lagna Lord Venus will also be afflicted with Rahu. Looking at his divisional chart for profession (D-10), there is a parivartana between 4L, Mercury and 6L, Saturn, hence this period will affect both 4H as well as 6th house of services for masses. His 10L in D-10, is Jupiter, which is currently retrograding and Saturn in D-10 is afflicted by conjunction with inimical Mars. Neither the dasha nor the transit is working in favor of Governor Romney and the outcome of US Presidential Election 2012 may not be in his favor.  

Overall the planets in natal charts and in transit suggest that President Obama has an upperhand over Governor Romney. Let's wait till tomorrow and day after tomorrow to see the results (if citizens from East Coast are able to vote after the catastrophic Hurricane).


  1. And Obama Wins!!!!!

    Mitt Romney was also undergoing Sade Satti, with exalted Saturn transit in 12th house from Moon. Neither the dasa nor the transit was working in his favor.

    Finally, I do want to mention that IMO, Obama will run out of his luck of Saturn by Oct 2014 (Saturn transit in inimical Scorpio) and he may not leave the office on a high note!

  2. Wow, amazing details of researching for the Obama and Romney which is really interesting. Thanks a lot for the sharing. Kalpana Srikaanth astrologer | Pancharatna gems Coimbatore
